Lights, Camera, Action for Beefeater MIXLDN


Beefeater Gin has launched its sixth annual cocktail contest to discover the most creative and skilled bartenders from across the globe. In a new twist on the format, Beefeater MIXLDN 6, the largest international gin cocktail competition, will challenge contestants … Continue reading

Beefeater Launches MIXLDN / Global Bartender Competition 2014


Wow, here’s something new. Beefeater Gin, the only historic dry gin still distilled in London, is embracing its roots with a unique and exciting global bartender competition that mixes the best of modern cultural London, to challenge and inspire the … Continue reading

Which Tonic Water with Beefeater Gin?


Patience Gould reports on a very exclusive tasting designed to discover which Tonic Water best matches the classic Beefeater Gin.  Six tonics went under the spotlight at London’s Beefeater Distillery in a blind tasting that was full of surprises, some … Continue reading