Here’s a treat for vintage cocktail experts – with a pretty fancy price tag attached too. For the first time ever The Savoy’s American Bar has raided its 40-year-old collection of the iconic fruit cup, Pimm’s, to create a cocktail … Continue reading
Here’s a treat for vintage cocktail experts – with a pretty fancy price tag attached too. For the first time ever The Savoy’s American Bar has raided its 40-year-old collection of the iconic fruit cup, Pimm’s, to create a cocktail … Continue reading
The launch of Quinetum, the new quinine cordial developed by Hendrick’s Gin, has been a spur to have a look at other alcoholic drinks based on quinine. Like gin itself and indeed tonic water their uses were originally medicinal and … Continue reading
From Head Barman Antonio Dandrea of Pennyhill Park Hotel’s Ascot Bar 50 ml Saffron gin, 10 ml pimm’s, 10 ml lillet (French vermouth) 10ml fig liqueur. Stir over ice and serve in a chilled martini glass.