Gintime’s Pick of Food and Cocktail Blogs

At Gintime Towers we love nothing more than to kick back with a G&T whilst perusing our favourite culinary and cocktail blogs. Juliet Lawrence Wilson picks out our favourites!

Smitten Kitchen

NYC based Deb Perelman creates stunning dishes in her own home. The beautiful photography on this site will have you drooling and reaching for the whisky at the same time. There’s plenty to get a novice cook inspired, including handy tutorials and classic recipes with a modern twist. We think her Artichoke and Olive Crostini make a sumptuous appetiser to accompany early evening cocktails.

Domestic Sluts

How to live the pretty life! The ‘sluts’ adore cocktails, cupcakes and just about anything sweet and charming. With lots of fabulous tips on shopping and fashion, not to mention great competitions for handbags and the like, this is a haven for Domestic Goddesses who secretly can’t be bothered. Their Bramble cocktail recipe is divine!

Martha Stewart

This woman isn’t known as The Godmother of cooking and craft for nothing. You can find just about every recipe you ever wanted, and possibly didn’t know existed, on this site. Martha knows a little bit about entertaining too. Check out this finger food photo gallery and tips for turning your humble home into party heaven, disappointingly not titled ‘Back On The Straight and Narrow’.

Miss Charming

Miss Charming not only writes an excellent drinks blog full of the latest products and news but also seems to have watched every movie imaginable with the sole purpose of listing which drinks were imbibed in them. Did you know that in All About Eve, Bette Davis drinks a Gibson when she says, “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.” Or that in The Seven Year Itch Marilyn Monroe waters her plants with a cocktail shaker? Well now you do.

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Do you own an i-phone? Would you like to have some cocktail apps on it? Are you a bit unsure of which one to get? Well, Cocktailnerd has tried them all so you don’t have to.

Imbibe Unfiltered

One of our favourite cocktail magazines also has a blog! With ‘drink of the week’, voting polls and all the latest news from the masters of mixology, there’s little for the drink’s enthusiast not to like here.

Cocktail Kingdom

Not a blog, but a little gem of a website nonetheless, selling ‘hard to find’ bitters and reproductions of ancient cocktail tomes. Do I need Bitter Truth Celery Bitters? Who doesn’t?

Jeffrey Morgenthaler

Jeffrey’s enthusiasm for all things cocktail is tangible on this fact and fun packed site. He even makes his own tonic water!  Also check out our interviews with top cocktail bloggers Camper English and Jay Hepburn

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